Opinions, Issues, Demands
Letter from the Editor
Whether our cohort is talkingabout Knowlton or the profession,
opinions tend to be bleak and
outlook disillusioned. Social
rapport between students and
faculty run low - hell, the rapport
between faculty themselves seems dishearteningly low.
Aptly or not,much fault is found in Knowlton and whether in explicit or simply felt, things are, well, not running smoothly, let’s say.
But this unrest need not only be
a conversation in the egress stair,
the 4th floor bathroom, or for the
more brazen of us, in studio during studio. And it need not be simply complaining, either. This journal is dedicated as an open and transparent conversation for the school. And, hopefully, we can all, including and especially faculty, get on the same page and make a difference in Knowlton Hall.
Maybe you have a different
opinion. The school has made some significant changes, and is
taking steps in the right direction, you argue. You may point to an
increased focus on mental health,
a more prominent and vocal
intention to listen and care for
students, more efforts toward
diversity in faculty and students,
and increased discussion of
relevant topics.
Either way, we
can all agree there’s a disconnect
A disconnect between students and faculty, school
and the profession, undergrads
and grad students, landscape,
architecture, and CRP, life before
COVID and now, and the list could
go on.
So, with that said, how are you?
What issues does the school need
to be aware of? How can this cohort of students stand beside you? And how do you hope Knowlton can
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Kelsey BartalskySarah Scotchie
Varun Gulavane
Ben Moody
Ruby White
Matthew Johnson
Matthew JohnsonBen Moody
APR 17 / 2023

Letter from the Editors
Ready or not, the semester has be-gun and is well in swing. Admit-
tedly, we were not ready. Happy belated start to the semester.
Reflecting on our years at Knowl-
ton we agreed that the spring se-
mester is always a bit odd: the weather is cold and dreary, there
are fewer breaks to break up the
time, and it seems to lack much of
the energy of the first semester.
For the first issue of the new year,
we asked students to respond to a simple prompt: Reset. We suggested several elaborations on this theme, by discussing what in the discipline needs to be reset
in our current times, or offering a
more personal take by describing
anything over the winter break that allowed them the space to reset, however that might mean or look like to each student.
From the prompt we received
quite a variety of responses, from
reflections on how friendships
impact architectural thought to
a critique on the current state of
bathroom design.
We hope you will enjoy Reset, as
well as find the energy needed to get through the semester, beyond just getting through, to really thrive.
Command : Reset
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Ben MoodySarah Scotchie
Maverick Ordonez
Joshua Renner
Matthew Johnson
Matthew JohnsonBen Moody
FEB 01 / 2023

Letter from the Editors
What a semester!If you’re reading this, you’ve
made it alive to final review day. Congratulations! With the release date of this Knowlton on the Rocks issue aligning with reviews
for the school, we asked students
to respond to a simple prompt:
“School.”More specifically, we encouraged students to write about some aspect of architecture school, preferrably relating to Knowlton in some way, and also encouraged
students to look at that aspect
critically. Is this the best it can be?
What is lacking? What would make
Knowlton a better place? These are all questions we encouraged stu-
dents to consider.
There is a range of opinions,
thoughts, and styles represented in these pages, ranging from a da-
ta-driven assessment of studio cul-
ture to a poem embracing Knowl-
ton’s weirdness. We are excited by
the variety and understand that
this is but a small sampling of
the thoughts about architecture
school circulating throughout the
As the day progresses, whether
you’re a fellow student, professor,
faculty, or visiting review juror,
take some time and consider what
these students have to say. And
while at it, we encourage you to
cricitally consider some aspect of
the architectural education. What
would I discuss if I were writing one
of these? What need to change?
How can I be a part of making
Knowlton a better place?
These are all questions we encour-
age you to consider and act on.
Link to full text->
Matt JohnsonKelsey Bartalsky
Maverick Ordonez
Varun Gulavane
Angel Bautista
Ben Moody
Nathan Fleeger
Dave Kozan
Matthew JohnsonBen Moody
NOV 22 / 2022

What’s on your mind?
Letter from the Editors
The past few years have been challenging – particularly because we have been challenged. On beliefs. Views. Our very way of living and existing.And all for the better; so we can hope.
What shall remain, though – and this is a call to action within Knowlton and serves as a marked stance for Knowlton on the Rocks, is the ability to listen. Both far political sides of proven woefully incapable of this. My hope is that Knowlton does not model this trend and that conversation continues. I hope that Knowlton can value disagreement. It marks diversity in thought, it shows engagement, and because it means conversations are happening – conversations that need to happen.
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Ethan FrazierMaverick Ordonez
Ben Moody
Faith Folarain
Dervette Henderson
Matthew Johnson
Matthew JohnsonBen Moody
AUG 22 / 2022