ISSUE 8: Opinions,
Issues, Demands
Letter from the Editors
Whether our cohort is talking
about Knowlton or the profession,
opinions tend to be bleak and
outlook disillusioned. Social
rapport between students and
faculty run low - hell, the rapport
between faculty themselves seems dishearteningly low.
Aptly or not,much fault is found in Knowlton and whether in explicit or simply felt, things are, well, not running
smoothly, let’s say.
But this unrest need not only be
a conversation in the egress stair,
the 4th floor bathroom, or for the
more brazen of us, in studio during
studio. And it need not be simply
complaining, either. This journal
is dedicated as an open and
transparent conversation for the
school. And, hopefully, we can all,
including and especially faculty,
get on the same page and make a
difference in Knowlton Hall.
Maybe you have a different
The school has made some significant changes, and is
taking steps in the right direction, you argue. You may point to an
increased focus on mental health,
a more prominent and vocal
intention to listen and care for
students, more efforts toward
diversity in faculty and students,
and increased discussion of
relevant topics. Either way, we
can all agree there’s a disconnect
somewhere. A disconnect between
students and faculty, school
and the profession, undergrads
and grad students, landscape,
architecture, and CRP, life before
COVID and now, and the list could
go on.
So, with that said, how are you?
What issues does the school need
to be aware of? How can this cohort
of students stand beside you? And
how do you hope Knowlton can
Letter from the Editors
Whether our cohort is talkingabout Knowlton or the profession,
opinions tend to be bleak and
outlook disillusioned. Social
rapport between students and
faculty run low - hell, the rapport
between faculty themselves seems dishearteningly low.
Aptly or not,much fault is found in Knowlton and whether in explicit or simply felt, things are, well, not running smoothly, let’s say.
But this unrest need not only be
a conversation in the egress stair,
the 4th floor bathroom, or for the
more brazen of us, in studio during
studio. And it need not be simply
complaining, either. This journal
is dedicated as an open and
transparent conversation for the
school. And, hopefully, we can all,
including and especially faculty,
get on the same page and make a
difference in Knowlton Hall.
Maybe you have a different
The school has made some significant changes, and is
taking steps in the right direction, you argue. You may point to an
increased focus on mental health,
a more prominent and vocal
intention to listen and care for
students, more efforts toward
diversity in faculty and students,
and increased discussion of
relevant topics. Either way, we
can all agree there’s a disconnect
somewhere. A disconnect between
students and faculty, school
and the profession, undergrads
and grad students, landscape,
architecture, and CRP, life before
COVID and now, and the list could
go on.
So, with that said, how are you?
What issues does the school need
to be aware of? How can this cohort
of students stand beside you? And
how do you hope Knowlton can
Kelsey BartalskyVarun Gulvane
Matthew Johnson
Ben Moody
Sarah Scotchie
Ruby White
Matthew JohnsonBen Moody
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APR 17 / 2023