ISSUE 6: Schooled

Letter from the Editors

What a semester!
If you’re reading this, you’ve
made it alive to final review day.

Congratulations! With the re-
lease date of this Knowlton on the

Rocks issue aligning with reviews
for the school, we asked students
to respond to a simple prompt:
More specifically, we encouraged

students to write about some as-
pect of architecture school, pre-
ferrably relating to Knowlton in

some way, and also encouraged
students to look at that aspect
critically. Is this the best it can be?
What is lacking? What would make
Knowlton a better place? These are

all questions we encouraged stu-
dents to consider.

There is a range of opinions,
thoughts, and styles represented

in these pages, ranging from a da-
ta-driven assessment of studio cul-
ture to a poem embracing Knowl-
ton’s weirdness. We are excited by

the variety and understand that
this is but a small sampling of
the thoughts about architecture
school circulating throughout the
As the day progresses, whether
you’re a fellow student, professor,
faculty, or visiting review juror,
take some time and consider what
these students have to say. And
while at it, we encourage you to
cricitally consider some aspect of
the architectural education. What
would I discuss if I were writing one
of these? What need to change?
How can I be a part of making
Knowlton a better place?

These are all questions we encour-
age you to consider and act on.


Kelsey Bartalsky
Angel Bautista
Nathan Fleeger
Varun Gulvane
Matthew Johnson
Dave Kozan
Ben Moody
Maverick Ordonez


Matthew Johnson
Ben Moody

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