Letter from the Editors
Ready or not, the semester has be-gun and is well in swing. Admit-
tedly, we were not ready. Happy belated start to the semester.
Reflecting on our years at Knowl-
ton we agreed that the spring se-
mester is always a bit odd: the weather is cold and dreary, there
are fewer breaks to break up the
time, and it seems to lack much of
the energy of the first semester.
For the first issue of the new year,
we asked students to respond to a simple prompt: Reset. We suggested several elaborations on this theme, by discussing what in the discipline needs to be reset
in our current times, or offering a
more personal take by describing
anything over the winter break that allowed them the space to reset, however that might mean or look like to each student.
From the prompt we received
quite a variety of responses, from
reflections on how friendships
impact architectural thought to
a critique on the current state of
bathroom design.
We hope you will enjoy Reset, as
well as find the energy needed to get through the semester, beyond just getting through, to really thrive.
Command : Reset
Link to full text->
Ben MoodySarah Scotchie
Maverick Ordonez
Joshua Renner
Matthew Johnson
Matthew JohnsonBen Moody
FEB 01 / 2023