ISSUE 2: New Realities - Alternative Futures
Letter from the Editors
Our current reality is one of uncertainty. Over the past six months we’ve lost loved ones, employment opportunities, track of time, and faith in humanity We’ve gained anxiety, new hairstyles, hobbies, and a more expansive understanding of the word essential. Workplaces and studios sit empty while bedrooms and kitchens now pull triple duty as spaces of domesticity, home offices, and classrooms. The absence of justice, equity, accountability, and leadership, has shattered people’s realities, and refocused our views on what is truly important. Part of these conversations have been sparked within institutions as we reflect on the question: what is critical to be learning right now?
During this time, we have begun to envision alternative futures to those we held previously. While we hear of a “new normal”, and yearn for better days post-election, post-2020, post-vaccine, there is nothing normal about our current situation, nor should we be so optimistically naive to think a return to normalcy is what is necessary or just over the horizon. How do alternative futures remain grounded in the present - how do we use them as strategies for activism and criticism now? What shall we keep and what shall we change in terms of our personal, academic, and professional lives? What would it take to reorganize our professions and disciplines? How are we rethinking our roles and skills and what can we do with them now and moving forward?
In Issue_02 we want to know about your new realities, alternative futures, and how they are connected. How has COVID-19 affected you? Did you become an accomplished baker and have an inspiring sourdough starter? What have you been reading, learning, and criticizing? Are you rethinking your life goals? Breaking social distancing guidelines, Knowlton On The Rocks wants to get up close and personal in our next issue. Submissions of all kinds are welcome.
Kaitlin Baker
Luke Ciminillo Delamotte
Henry de Leon
Malena Grigoli
Erin Miller
Eric Schultz
Clarisse Wean
Brittney Wilson
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OCT 23 / 2020